Words6 Pages. The Gun Control Debate. In recent years, there’s not many topics on the political spectrum that aren’t absolutely polarizing. This essay will attempt to show each side’s generalized opinions, and find flaws in each of their arguments, as every ethical argument has flaws. Analyzing each side will help anyone understand their own opinions better, because Gun Control Debate Words | 7 Pages. As more crimes and gun violence continue to spread throughout the United States, the debate on gun control becomes a more recurrent issue. The debate over gun control has been around for hundreds of years, but it is merely impossible for the people to reach just one conclusion May 22, · Suggested argument #1: Banning guns will not work. If you start your essay with arguing against gun control, the first point you might make is that criminal will always stay a part of human society. That means that there are criminals, who will always find the way to get a weapon no matter how tough the laws are
Informative Essay: The Debate over Gun Control
Rate this item: 5 votes, average: 4. An informative essay about gun control means that you have to describe both points of view and clearly present every position gun control debate essay the controversial question. Informative essay is different from an argumentative one since it is composed to inform your reader about the topic. Thus, a writer can choose any strategy: comparing and contrasting or providing a definition. As for the debate over the gun control, the topic itself is not suggesting being for or against. You need to educate your gun control debate essay about the issue and provide arguments of the both sides of a case.
One of the possible strategies is listing pros and cons, and we will take this approach in the following article. If you start your essay with arguing against gun control, the first point you might make is that criminal will always stay a part of human society. That means that there are criminals, who will always find the way to get a weapon no matter how tough the laws are. If there is a will, there is a way. So, if criminals are grimly determined to get a gun, they will do so, even if it is banned. Of course, you can bring a counter argument at once: if the responsible civilians can carry and own a firearm for purposes of gun control debate essay, criminals will think twice before owning guns themselves.
Obviously, gun control debate essay, if a criminal knows that every citizen may learn self-defense and can apply it practically even using a lethal force in an extreme situation. Not only the police becomes a trouble on their way, criminals may be confronted by civilians that have broader democratic rights. Express the idea that it is important to remember that there are other types of weapon criminals may use. For instance, gun control debate essay, knives and other bladed articles are perfect examples. If a person is up to commit a crime and needs a weapon to carry it out, in some cases banning guns will not prevent that. The other weapon is freely available, so a criminal may simply resort to some other tool. As a counter to the argument provided above, you are free to mention that there are types of crime that may be committed with the help of firearm only, gun control debate essay.
For instance, there is hardly a bank robber that will use a knife against policemen that have guns. Read also: 7 Tools For Writing On Your Iphone. This argument is related gun control debate essay a global political debate. If we consider the fact that people want to carry guns to be protected from government agents that may take away their democratic rights one by one until the citizens find themselves living in a police state. A police state means that the government can do anything, and the populace cannot resist being unarmed. Guns should be allowed because the government may take away the rights of its citizens and gun control debate essay democracy into tyranny.
So, the only effective protection of citizens and their freedom of speech, religion, press and others are guns. Surely, in some countries citizens do not trust people who hold the highest positions in the government. But the others think that the only source of their safety is the police and governmental structure. And that is exactly what a gun allowance offers. Thus, social structure will have a sharp swift and everyday life will change dramatically. When you write essay on Gun Control Dilemma, it may be also concluded with claiming that there are numerous arguments for and against gun control.
However, there is no definite answer. Gun control may work effectively only in a perfect world, gun control debate essay. On the other hand, a perfect world is something that we have to be bent on! Home About us Prices Order Now Free Inquiry Blog FAQ Testimonials Contact.
Persuasive Speech on Gun Control
, time: 7:30
Mar 14, · The debate on gun control is unending. Partly because it is protected by the constitution and partly because rage-filled maniacs will commit horrific crimes with their guns, rekindling the gun ownership debate. It is an unending cycle. The problem, however, lies not in gun ownership but on the gun owners and how they use it Words | 9 Pages. Gun Control Debate Paper Today in the United States gun control is a topic of immense debate, because of the shooting that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary located in Newtown, Connecticut. This most recent tragic event ended the May 22, · Suggested argument #1: Banning guns will not work. If you start your essay with arguing against gun control, the first point you might make is that criminal will always stay a part of human society. That means that there are criminals, who will always find the way to get a weapon no matter how tough the laws are
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