People are opposed to gay marriage because their religion is against it, and others think that same sex marriage is wrong because the couples cannot necessarily reproduce. Those who support gay marriage believe everyone should have the right to do what makes them happy and marry who they please The Pros And Cons Of Gay Marriage But, the one thing that holds them back is the law. Many states in the U.S banned homosexual marriage due to the fact that marriage between man and woman has been around for the past millennia Pros and cons of gay marriage. Abstract. Gay marriage is a form of same-sex marriage and a topic that has attracted attention world over. The purpose of this research paper is to present the positive side of the topic and the negative side together with the weight the society has placed on each side. One side of the topic at hand is that gay marriage is right and should be upheld
Pros and Cons of Gay Marriage, Research Paper Example
Paper Types. This Research Paper was written by one of our professional writers, pros and cons of gay marriage essay. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. Considering the fact that the Supreme Court has recently made a national ruling that gay marriage is without a doubt legal all across the United States of America, the question of whether the federal government should make gay marriage legal everywhere in America now brings a whole new level of pros and cons of gay marriage essay. Because of these kinds of individuals, it is of great interest that all gay marriage issues are taken into account.
By doing so, an accurate prediction can be made about whether the federal government made a reasonable decision or not. Taking all of this into consideration, it can easily be predicted that there are both pros and cons of having the federal government make gay marriage legal all across the nation. In order to understand why there are so many individuals that are against the legalization of gay marriage, history must be taken into account. When included, it does not come as a surprise that the people who are most against gay marriage are none other than religious individuals. In order to use a specific example, Roman Catholics should be considered. Despite the fact that the Catechism of the Catholic Church does not express any hatred towards individuals attracted to the opposite sex, it does say that it forbids the marriage between two people who are not of the opposite sex.
The reason that the Catholic Church gives for this kind of opposition to gay marriage is the belief in that God created woman to be with man and man to be with woman. Furthermore, the Catholic Church has gone to great extents throughout the years of ensuring the fact that they hold no remorse against those individuals who choose to be gay. What this means is that if a gay individual were to realize that he or she was gay, he or she would be immediately asked by the Catholic Church to not give in to temptation and to avoid any sexual acts that might be deemed sinful by the Church. Putting these kinds of beliefs into consideration, it can easily be assumed that if the pros and cons of gay marriage essay government were to make gay marriage legal everywhere in America, the Catholic Church might take great offense at this.
Given the fact that so many individuals around the world are Christians, there would be worldwide discomfort with America adopting this kind of ideology, despite the fact that gay marriage has already been legal in countries such as Mexico and Canada for quite some time now. Besides the fact that individuals find it completely offensive to God that gay marriage has now become legalized, there are multiple other reasons as to why individuals believe that the federal government should have never adopted such a new law in the first place. One of the foremost underlying reasons as to why individuals disagree with gay marriage is because of the manner in which an adopted child would not be given the opportunity to experience a life with a mother and a father.
It has been said that such actions give a child no other alternative but to be gay himself or herself, given that all he or she might have ever known is to live with two individuals of the same sex. Many people have found this incredibly bothersome throughout the years, and with due reason. The fact that the federal government has taken it upon itself to say that there is nothing wrong with gay marriage is opposed by an outstanding number of individuals. These individuals are constantly arguing that the marriage between two people of the same sex is not marriage in itself, pros and cons of gay marriage essay.
This is referred to as such because of the manner in which it is a known fact that two individuals of the same sex are not able to produce offspring. Those individuals who often make references to this widely-known fact are cognizant of the actuality that men and women are meant to be together due to their biological and psychological attributes. For some, it is common sense that men should never be with men as well as women never be with women. This has come to the extent that many find it immoral or shameful to society when two individuals of the same sex publicly proclaim that they are homosexuals. Another controversy that has often times been brought about by the legalization of gay marriage is the idea that by legalizing it, the federal government has left no room for dispute about whether or not this course of action should be followed.
Some have gone as far to say that the federal government is not imposing the acceptance of gay marriage without pros and cons of gay marriage essay choice. It goes without saying that there a vast majority of individuals who highly disagree with this, given the belief that all gay marriage does is benefit those who know that they are wrong, pros and cons of gay marriage essay. What this leads to is a multitude of individuals stating that the legalization of gay marriage has only created greater problems because of the manner in which a morally incorrect thing has been converted into a civil right in a matter of time.
This kind of decision makes many question the stability of the federal government and its position in other rising places of interest. A highly regarded argument that has been introduced since the acceptance of gay marriage by the federal government is that it is unfair to the American people. This is said as such because many individuals believe that the pros and cons of gay marriage essay government has now taken it upon itself to force the American public to accept those who are gay. What this intends to say is that the federal government has now left no room for misinterpretation of discussion of the issue at hand. Now, with the present situation, if an individual were to express discomfort with two gay individuals marrying, pros and cons of gay marriage essay, he or she would have to take it up with the law, given that gay marriage is now legal.
Vogue, Diamond. Now that the major negative parts of gay marriage have been effectively discussed, pros and cons of gay marriage essay, the other thing that should now be discussed is the widespread approval that gay marriage now has and is increasing. The major argument that is often times brought about that gay marriage should invariably be legal all across the nation is the idea that by denying some people the right to marry, the federal government itself is denying a vast majority of individuals there inalienable rights. Of course, this brings many other questions to the pros and cons of gay marriage essay, so they must be handled one at a time.
First and foremost, it should be taken into account the fact that there are those individuals who strongly believe that pros and cons of gay marriage essay avoiding the legalization of gay marriage, the federal government was not allowing certain individuals to be entirely satisfactory. Without a doubt, there were some individuals who would often go as far as to state the belief that by not allowing gay marriage, the federal government was discrimination against gay couples. While these arguments are structurally-sound, it can be easily noticed how these individuals would go to far lengths in order to portray the manner in which they were being unfairly treated by their own government.
These individuals would often say that, at times, they felt inferior to those people who were not gay because of the vast amount of disapproval that gay individuals received worldwide for quite some time. There are many who invariably argue that will of the progress that humanity has made thus far, it should be allowed to individuals to be able to marry whomever they please. It is these same individuals who pros and cons of gay marriage essay state that by the simple fact of the federal government not allowing gay marriage, there is a barrier placed on the freedom that the United States of America has so strongly advocated for in previous years. Clearly, this presents an ongoing problem for many individuals who only see the alternative choice as giving everyone the same amount of liberties that all individuals deserve.
What this has meant in the last couple of weeks in the nation has been to allow all individuals to exercise their God-given rights that have been inscribed in the United States constitution for such an extensive period of time. The argument that individuals are having their freedom taken away by not being able to marry their significant other is a great way to get the federal government to listen. Many individuals often refer to the United States Constitution not only for the freedom that is being forbidden, but also for the equality that is being barred from gay couples. Explore Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues.
Because of the manner in which the Constitution clearly states that fact that all individuals of the nation should be treated equally, it goes without saying that the federal government had no other choice but to allow gay marriage. This was due to the reason in which by continuing to forbid gay marriage, the Constitution would not be followed. It has been said that since the federal government feared that individuals would stop following all of the instructions and regulations dictated by the Constitution, it decided that it would be a much better idea to just allow for gay marriage to be legal.
For the federal government, being blamed for not allowing its individuals to have been able to practice their equality throughout everyday life was one of the worst-case scenarios. Due to the fact that the federal government is expected to uphold the standards and regulations set by the United States Constitution, equality had to be granted to all. While there are many who wonder about whether or not there was any inequality taking place, it is difficult to state that there was, in fact, no inequality taking place. This is because of the reason that it is difficult to say that all couples were being treated in the same fashion when heterosexual couples were allowed to marry each other buy homosexual couples were not.
These kinds of regulations could have caused much uproar in the past, and it comes as a great surprise that not much violence was able to come out of the situation in the past. Given the fact that marriage has been constantly regarded as a right for all kinds of individuals, idealistic, pros and cons of gay marriage essay, it would have pros and cons of gay marriage essay illegal for the federal government to continue to neglect the allowing of marriage between two individuals of the same sex. Therefore, it goes without saying that the federal government did not have any other choice but to make a ruling for gay marriage to be allowed in all fifty states of the United States of America.
TFP Student Action. If pros and cons of gay marriage essay actions would not have been taken by the federal government in such a pivotal moment in American history, there is no telling as to the kinds of things that could have happened, pros and cons of gay marriage essay. For those individuals who argue that the federal government should unquestionably allow the marriage between gay individuals have proved extremely resilient and resourceful in such a delicate national matter. In between all of the claims that gay couples currently make better parents than heterosexual couples, history was able to take place. It is of great interest that all gay marriage issues are taken into account. Despite the fact that there are a variety of individuals who believe that the federal government should have waited a much longer time to legalize gay marriage, there is not much these individuals can do at this point.
On the other hand, there are other individuals who are jubilant at the idea of having gay marriage legalized. Some of these individuals have gone as far as to say that this is a historic moment for Americans because of the manner in which all types of differences are finally being set aside in order to provide a much greater America to future generations. The aforementioned statement is extremely difficult to deny, given the fact that the United States spent a series of decades deciding whether or not legalizing gay marriage was the correct thing to do. Even if this was the correct thing to do, the federal government still had to deal with another matter at hand: What would be the perfect time to legalize gay marriage? Despite the many underlying conflicts and problems that had to be resolved in order to legalize gay marriage, it cannot be argued that the decision that has been made brings along both pros and cons of what will happen in the next couple of years.
Brown, Brian. Gay Marriage ProCon. org, n. Jervis, Rick. USA TODAY, pros and cons of gay marriage essay, 29 June Slick, Matt. Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, n. TFP Student Action, n. BBC News, 29 June Vogue, Ariane, and Jeremy Diamond. CNN, 27 June Wolfson, Evan. Government Discriminates — US News. A Global Brief on Hypertension, Coursework Example, pros and cons of gay marriage essay. The David Case and the Ben Case, Reaction Paper Example. Need a professionally written Custom Essay? Right now, you can get a professionally written essay in any discipline with a. We're now sending you a link to download your e-book, please check your e-mail, pros and cons of gay marriage essay.
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Libertarian Views on Same-Sex Marriage
, time: 3:21Pros and cons of gay marriage Essay Sample
The Pros And Cons Of Gay Marriage But, the one thing that holds them back is the law. Many states in the U.S banned homosexual marriage due to the fact that marriage between man and woman has been around for the past millennia Cons for Gay Marriage. CONS FOR GAY MARRIAGE 1. It would weaken the definition and respect for the institution of marriage: The institution of marriage has traditionally been defined as between a man and a woman Pros and cons of gay marriage. Abstract. Gay marriage is a form of same-sex marriage and a topic that has attracted attention world over. The purpose of this research paper is to present the positive side of the topic and the negative side together with the weight the society has placed on each side. One side of the topic at hand is that gay marriage is right and should be upheld
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