Gay Marriages Argumentative Essay Outline Introduction Thesis: Same-sex marriage should be legal because it is a fundamental human right. Body Paragraph 1: Same-sex marriage provides legal rights protection to same sex couples on The argument of whether gay marriage should be legalized or not is very controversial. According to an article from the Human Rights Campaign, there is nothing wrong with allowing homosexuals to have the same rights as everyone else. Every individual person should be given the opportunity to have equal rights, no matter what their sexuality The premise is that gay marriage is immoral and considered a sin in most religions, so it should be banned and marriage should only count between men and women. The argument is that people who are attracted to someone of their same sex has nothing to do with their ability to receive the same basic rights as straight couples
Argumentative Essay : Should Gay Marriage Be Legal? | Teen Ink
Many people often question gay couples, but almost never question heterosexual couples because it is what may people are used to seeing, but what they do not realize is that gay couples have the same responsibilities should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay a heterosexual couple. Many gay couples already consider themselves married, no matter what the law states. Everyone should have the right to marry the person they love and be represented as a family, regardless of the gender of the two people getting married. Marriage should be based on love and not gender. The gay marriage movement is still being met by strong resistance and most likely always will.
Also, the government has no clear reason to exclude gay couples from benefits of marriage. Many older gay people are role models for younger gays trying to understand themselves. Gay marriage should be legalized throughout the nation. Many gay couples have been with each other for so long that they already consider themselves married. Another reason may gay couples think of themselves as married is because they have lived together and acted as a heterosexual couple would. We Will Write a Custom Essay about Gay Marriage: Should It Be Legalized? Around sixty-three per-cent of gay couples live in the same home as their partner Herbert. Many couples have been finally admitting their relationship to the public because they have been together so long.
Since the census, the number of same sex couples increased by eighty per-cent Morrello. Out of the sixty four million couples in the country, one per-cent is made up of same-sex couples Morrello. If gay couples already consider themselves married, they should be allowed to get married. Everyone should have the ability to get married. Gay couples share the same reasons for wanting to get married as any heterosexual couples Wolfson. If heterosexual couples can get married, gay couples should receive the same right. Everyone should have the right to marry the person they love and be represented as a couple and family Lipke. Some couples believe a strong way of showing love between one another is through marriage.
Marriage is a way of showing commitment between to people, no matter of the gender of the two people getting married Roleff. Another thing that some people do not realize is that not all gay couples wish to get married. According to the ensus, the number of gay couples wanting to wed is small Morello. Some gay couples believe that the topic of marriage may cause a rift in their relationship Morello. If heterosexual couples can get married, then gay couples should also be able too. Marriage should not be based on the gender of the two people getting married, but on love and commitment.
Many people argue that gay couples cannot handle the same responsibilities as a straight couple, should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay. The gay marriage debate should depend on the love between to two people Sullivan. Gay couples are capable of love, compassion, and faithfulness just as much as any heterosexual couple Sullivan. People should be able to do what makes them happy and be with the person who makes them happy. People who are born gay still have the same capacity to love and the need to be love just as a straight person would Sullivan. If two people genuinely love each other, they should be allowed to get married. Gay rights will not be an easy thing to legalize and will take a lot of time. The gay marriage movement is still being met by strong resistance, and always will be Proquest.
Gay marriage has always been looked down upon for many reasons. The main problem surrounding gay marriage is religion Sullivan. Many people would be very satisfied if gay marriage was not legalized, although they receive nothing out of the fact that gay couples cannot marry. The denial of rights to a gay couple benefits no one and it is just an obstacle that belongs to the couple Wolfson. Now that gay marriage has become a popular topic, more gay people are becoming bullied for their sexual orentation. Gay bashing is now consider to be a hate crime in certain states Proquest.
Gay couples only want to be able to get married legally and not bother other people. Denying gays of public recognition is the most affront possible way to deny gay couples of their public equality Roleff. Many young gay people trying to come to terms with their sexuality just need someone there for support. Many older gay people serve to be role models for the younger gays Roleff. Although it will be a battle, should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay, gay marriage should be legal. The government does not have enough clear, should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay, valid arguments against gay marraige. With many more gay couples becoming more open about their sexuality, should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay, it has caused the government more trouble.
Another argument that the church has is that gay couples cannot have children, and in many states cannot adopt. Courts do not recognize that marriage has never been restricted to couples who can reproduce, so gay couples are not any less fertile than a heterosexual couple Roleff. If the government does not have a clear reason to ban gay marriage, it should be legal until they have a valid argument against it. There are many valid arguments why gay marriage should be legal. If many gay couples already consider themselves married and publicly refer to themselves as married, then the courts should allow them get married.
Everyone should receive the luxury of being able to get married and should not be limited to certain people who met certain qualifications. Marriage should always be based on love and commitment between two people and not the gender of the two people wanting to get married. Should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay there are many valid arguments as to why gay marriage should be legalized, then the courts should take it in to consideration that it would just be easier to legalize gay marriage then to keep denying it. I'm Edwin! Would you like to get a custom essay? How about receiving a customized one? Skip to content Many people often question gay couples, but almost never question heterosexual couples because it is what may people are used to seeing, but what they do not realize is that gay couples have the same responsibilities as a heterosexual couple.
order now. Related posts: Should Gay Marriage Be Legalized? Essay Point of Contention: Should Gay Marriages be Allowed? Essay Pursuit of a Constitutional Same- Sex Marriage Equal Rights Essay How Government Policy Affects Gay Rights? Essay Gay Marriage in American Politics: Pros and Cons Essay Gays Right to a Civil Should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay Essay Presbyterian Church, Islam Gay Marriage an Oxymoron Essay Same-Sex Marriage Essay Response and Rebuttal Essay. Previous Previous post: Ever level, from forcing disinvestment in the arms. Next Next post: 2. that these features have an influence. Check it out.
Same-sex marriage now legal across the United States
, time: 3:13Gay Marriage Should be Legalized - Words | Help Me
If the government does not have a clear reason to ban gay marriage, it should be legal until they have a valid argument against it. There are many valid arguments why gay marriage should be blogger.com many gay couples already consider themselves married and publicly refer to themselves as married, then the courts should allow them get married Should gay marriage be legalized? The debate on whether gay marriage should be legalized is heating up on the hill. The supporters of gay marriage should be legalized maintained that same-sex couple should have equal marriage benefits as the heterosexual couples and banning of gay marriage is an unconstitutional discrimination Gay marriage should be legal because it can bring financial gain to state and local government. Additionally gay marriage would make it easier for same-sex couples to
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